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Zelda Majoras mask [Evil Moon

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Author Comments

I made this around 2 months ago it never got acepted to OcReMix asshole XD

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I really liked the beat and the general style of the song. Hit some real coords in my head. Also made me a little sad at the same time as it reminds me of loss. Keep up the good work; straight into my Itunes library. :)

I loved that game

It was a real fun game I like the audio

what the guy below me said.

My friend showed me this song, I was like...Interesting. That was about 3 years ago. A few days back this tune whacked my memory and I started looking for it. I found it and I have to say this song is great, every part of it. Very relaxing, obscure, but very cool.

I can't believe i found it!

I downloaded this song from ARES about a few years, and i wondered who did such an awesome song.

Now that i found you i gotta say that this is one epic song and that i love it. It brings me back good school memories, times that i used to get worried but there was a hope that shines.

This songs represents all my middle school. Good job mate, really.

Wow. Nostalgia times 10.

From the small description, I can't really tell what this is from. But I'm guessing its from the last 6 minutes (hours) of Majoras Mask Day 3 because that's what it sounds like. Very good. Although, not OcReMix quality. Just below though. :P Keep up the good work. You have talent.

Credits & Info

4.88 / 5.00

Oct 16, 2004
10:48 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 6 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.