Like it!
Should've extended it and ended it a bit better :P But hell, I don't care. 10/10.
Good job, man!
It's a progression in D minor, that I composed and recorded recently, but, I was too lazy to finish it so...
Hear it, you may like it! Oh, and don't forget to comment it!
Like it!
Should've extended it and ended it a bit better :P But hell, I don't care. 10/10.
Good job, man!
Dude if you keep this up with the rest of the songit will be great. Maybe if you were to space the repeats just a little more with the completed version with dual guitars and just a slight bit heavier on the tones then it will be the most brutal yet incredible song ever. Great song, love it! >:O lol
Hey, that might be the case... But check some of my new stuff, you might like them! There are more technique and work on them! :)
this is fucking awsome man this is like the best heavy medal i heard keep up the good work soon this will be really popular just keep doing the good job
Thanks for the nice words and the grades! :)
its just too bad its not longer but since the end and beginning are so similar if its on repeat you cant tell it ever ended
Thanks again!
Nice song, but it sounded a bit like it repeated the entire time, but it had a great tune, good work :D 10/10 5/5
Thanks for the support man! About the repeating, as I sad in Author Comments "It's a progression" so the basics of the song are repeated with variations through the song.. thanks
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.