can i use this?
im thinking about buying a flash game creator and if i would deffinetly like to use this in one of the cut scenes if you'll let me.
I consider this piece more of an adverturous theme. Hope u enjoy.
can i use this?
im thinking about buying a flash game creator and if i would deffinetly like to use this in one of the cut scenes if you'll let me.
I would be honored. Its been a dream for my music to be used in movies and cartoons. Just let me know when u finish your flash ;).
wow. could i have this .FLP?
i would love this sucker to master it. its so good. could i borrow the .flp if your using FL?
sorry, im using an old program, Print Music 2002, which uses .mus, I know its pretty out dated, but man, some the stuff i make is still pretty interesting.
Not bad
Its not that bad. Would be good in a Zelda type of game
I do agree.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.