Nice piano
Ok so first off good piece here, it was a pleasure checking this out especially this kind of entry and had some nice sounds and element about it. I love how this startsoff and theres some good direction and has some decent quality about it, it kinda jumps out at ya with its fast paced atfirst but then thats what really makes it work, so nice job on this one, and great piano stuff. Now before i end this i would like to say that this was a pleasure and loved how this started and ended there was some good quality and it was unique in its own way, so nice touch here from start to finish.
Alright so you already had something decent here i will try and suggest some possible ideas but you have done well already but in anycase try some of these things out. Now it was a good tune here, no real issues i suppose i wouldnt mind seeing some more clean up in the backround some slight static but not too much.