Nice try but I didnt like the fact that is was so repetetive. It was the same thing over and over and the only change i heard was the drums. Keep making music and you will get better :D
This was again my attempt at a song by using the program fruitloops to create it and use effects to make it sound more elaborate.
I worked on this for about a week and was happy with the final product so I would like people to provide their opinions on how it would sound better because nothings perfect and I want this to be.
Please provide positive and negative critisism and it will be highly appreciated.
Oh and sorry for the length, I shouldve made it shorter.
Nice try but I didnt like the fact that is was so repetetive. It was the same thing over and over and the only change i heard was the drums. Keep making music and you will get better :D
thanks for that, this was one of my earlier pieces and it was made a while ago.
I agree that it is repetitive, I tried to vary it up with different drum beats but I think the synth is the most predominant of it all.
anyway thanks for the advice :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.