dont like it
not only do i hate goth but this song sounds messy and unorganized. Step your game up and stop making these wack ass mario beats.
listen all the way thru, it constanly changes!
its negative at the begining, but gets nicer & has moments of calm. well balanced.
this is one of my best i feel. i put alotta effort in it.
im sure youll enjoy, or at least find it interesting!
dont like it
not only do i hate goth but this song sounds messy and unorganized. Step your game up and stop making these wack ass mario beats.
o, ur some assface from RMP?
AW, MAN! NO RESPECT? Shit! i wish rap artists respected me!
they know real music!
some badass
Shit dude. love the breaks with that kick drum and the harsh synth. XD
thanx alot! glad u liked it.
The breaks to quieter bits help. Anything that helps keep a song from being nothing but one long techno riff is a good thing, in my book.
hey thanx thats exactly what i was thinkin!
wish u woulda voted, since u reviewed tho.
Thats go an alright beat. Nice how it kind of flows, Except those little silence bits
they sorta destroy it although its still prettty good
Thanx! well i wanted to balance it, maybe some rest for
your ears! but shit, ill keep that in mind.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.