Great voice
I like your voice and may call upon you someday soon.
Hey Newgrounds! What's up? I wanna get into voice acting, and every single thing I've read said to start with a voice reel to showcase my voice. Since this is my first attempt, it probably won't sound as good as most other voice actors (make that definitely won't sound as good). But we all have to start somewhere, right? Here's the transcript:
*Evil Voice* (I used pitch change): Heh, nothing can stop me now. All that stands between me and the destruction of this planet is a little boy...
*Voice 1* I just... ~sigh~ I just didn't know how to tell you this...
*Voice 2* What? What is it?
*Voice 1* Mom... Mom's gone.
*Voice 2* What!? What do you mean she's gone?
*Voice 1* What I mean is...
*Voice 2* No... No you can't do this to me.
Ok... couple things to say:
1) Is it ok to change the pitch? My voice doesn't go that low, and if I do get a part that low, can I just do this before sending it in?
2) I know it's short, I'm planning on doing another one. I wasn't sure what else to say. Any possible "personalities" that you guys suggest I do for the next reel would be great.
3) I fucked up... I made "Voice 1" 's voice louder at one point, and "Voice 2" wasn't exactly the same voice at the way end.
4) ANY TIPS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. I'm being serious here, I am really committed to this and am ready to make as much improvements as possible. I can't do that without you guys. Please leave a comment saying what you think, positive or negative.
Great voice
I like your voice and may call upon you someday soon.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.