wow this was amazing i can't beleve how you pick different to make this masterpease of audio artwork.
This song was inspired by the Gravemind from the Halo series. He is my favorite antagonist from the games so I thought he deserved a melodical yet darkish song. The guitars are synthed (I can't record with good enough quality yet) but I think they sound pretty good. Review, rate, and enjoy.
wow this was amazing i can't beleve how you pick different to make this masterpease of audio artwork.
This Is Awsome
Tell Me What Was Your Influence What Stage Of Self Musical Discovery Did You Have To Go Throught So Come Up with This MasterPeice
I've been experimenting with different scales and stuff. This is part of my experiment so you can sort of say I just messed around until I got it to sound good. Call it dumb luck.
souds really cool really respect i will take it to y favs.
I pretty much like this one.
really nicely done ;)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.