Much Better :D
Damn this song improved a lot mate :O.
you realy did a lot with the advice i have given you :O.
The kick is a lot better now,
and the little variation you made in the kicks is cool also.
the song is quite cool.
i have given you a 3/5 and an 6/10.
this song is worth 4/5 8/10 now,
but i will give you a 5/5 10/10 since i see you as a friend now ^^.
I shall try to give you some hints for even a higher score.
- Try to variate the melody not only with a diffrent melody, but with lots of
diffrent sounds to. variating your song often, is the key to some cool beenz.
- Play with the volume. and try to use crashes and reverse them.
for example : you can select a crash sample. you can lengthen it by increasing
its time button. a crash is cool to use when something new is happening in
your song. use it on the same time a newly added piece of music starts.
When you go to the propertys of your crash sample, you see an option :
reverse. click on it, so that the crash sample will play from right to left.
(Listen to my song : DJ Trezy - Basshunter Remix) for an example.
in the very beginning i added a reversed crash.
- (An experienced trick) Play with the filter channel.
I shall try to explain it with my bad english.. (im dutch).
You have the abillity to record anything in your FL song you want to.
On the top of your FL program, you see a big dot marked as Record.
I will come back later on that. make a cool melody, and give it an FX number.
In that number, you add the Fruity Filter plugin.
Play your melody integrated in the same FX, and play with the filter plugin.
The best effect is playing with the cutoff freq a little.
when you mastered this, go in pattern mode, and press the record button.
(when you have FL 8, press on 'Everything'.)
Now play your pattern, and play with your plugin a littlebit.
an example of this : DJ Trezy - Beyond Heaven Remix
after a minute and 30 seconds or something you will hear the melody fading in. not only in volume, but also in offset.
there. i have given you some cool hints.
i hope you can use it.
if something is not clear, just ask me ;).
10/10 5/5.
Grtz St0rmChaser ;)
P.S the synths are very nice. do you use external plugins for it ?