Sim City
I don't know why the hell why, but this song reminds me of Sim City.
This is what I've been working on lately. Rate fairly :0
Please enjoy
Sim City
I don't know why the hell why, but this song reminds me of Sim City.
Jesus fucking Christ
Awesome fucking work, man. Gold! GOLD I SAY.
Not my favourite either
Whoever said it below is right. This is definitely not one of my favourite songs of yours. It's way too repetitive, and the drums aren't quite up to the part. In my opinion, it also lacks a little bit of the drive that gives some dance songs their flare, its a little unexciting. Also, theres something odd about how you did the chords and melody that just doesn't sound right. Its just a bad combination. Sorry for the not very nice review, but I gotta be honest.
Haha awesome!
This is really cool =). It was quite repetitive but really creative and dancy. This didn't quite get a download from me you have done a lot better. Only things i would improve is the repetitiveness of the melody maybe variate it a bit more =).
Keep it up!
okay, thanks :)
I'm not going to lie
Sorry, it really hurts to review this. This song is not even approaching some of your better songs. It is extremely repetitive and the main theme is not particularly captivating or catchy. Compared to what I know you can do, this song is really on the far bottom end. Sorry, I really am. 4/5. =( I feel sad now.
Thanks to be total honest, because I will not make any progress about not-true reviews. I try to make my next song(s) less repetive. so what do you think is my best song? plz pm :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.