So liek... These chipmunks are liek... harvesting nuts and one chipmunk decides to steal another's nuts and liek... the victim gets all pissed off srsly. So liek, he attacks the assailant and then epicness happens, but before the epicness, there is a staredown and then liek CLASSSSHHHHH"
I don't know, just a song I started making and I thought it sounded good enough to release a WIP
Please vote and rate :D
There are some things I need to fix with the TS404 and need to mess around with it's oscillators. :P
Something also went wrong near the end with the really high increase in pitch, I will fix that. The FLPs always end up sounding better than the mp3s D:
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.