The electric guitar that comes in at about 1:35 needs to be MUCH quieter. Other than than that, very good
A bit repetitive, but good
The electric guitar that comes in at about 1:35 needs to be MUCH quieter. Other than than that, very good
Dude good song you use the Digitech Grunge Pedal???
no subject XDD
sounds a little like something from nirvanas bleach. the drums werent hard enough. and i prefer faster songs. but thats my personal preferation. anyway, good job!
Not Bad
Really good listened to it for about 2 hours while playing Combat Arms :D
Sounds awful familiar
This song sounds very familiar to something I've heard on NG before. Its as if you took something and modified it. In fact I'm sure you took some old work and modified it. Its the only explanation...
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.