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Troubled For

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Author Comments

This was just a quick project, took about four hours. I think I'm getting a little better at balancing the levels of the instruments, but it's hard because while I make the song I'm using a pair of headphones, then when I play it on a speaker it sounds totally different. What do you guys think? Are the levels alright or are certain sounds too loud / quiet?

If anyone knows where to get some good VST plug-ins that will work in Cubase let me know. I've been using the same instruments for a while, trying to make the most of them, but I want some new shit!

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nice song

this tune would work really well with a puzzle game.. its one of those thinking songs.. mellow now to mellow..

Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Dec 16, 2008
10:32 PM EST
File Info
1.9 MB
1 min 25 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.