Don't know
Overall it was good. The repeating noise (don't know how to refer to it) was a little overbearing though.
Finally it's here! This is my first song that is 2 mins long and first one that iam not afraid to share. It took several weeks to make it and i hope that it was worth it.
Listen it, Give good scores and enjoy.
Don't know
Overall it was good. The repeating noise (don't know how to refer to it) was a little overbearing though.
This is the shit!
Good song, i liked it.Nothing more to say.
Ty and more is about to come. stay tuned.
Hmmm Not bad at all.
Song was pretty good but got get boring after few times of listening because it repeats the same pretty much.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.