Now THAT'S a remix
Metalized version of "Gangplank Galleon" from Donkey Kong Country.
This ones quite old.
edit: WTF is wrong with you people?! this is OLD! ANCIENT! DUSTIER THAN HILLARY CLINTONS CROTCH! oh dear lord, what have I done...
edit 2: all time top scoring #2? that explains the shitstorm of reviews and listens all of a sudden. but, srsly, fuck you P-Bot... you couldnĀ“t throw maybe UE part III in there eh? Noooo, it has to be an old shitty SNES remix, because I'm the damn P-Bot, I have parkinsons and select shit at random...
Now THAT'S a remix
cool 8-bit
for something thats from 2009 this is darn good
So it's old
But it's epic. Embrace this for what it is; you worked hard on it, so you deserve the attention for it.
And people might be interested in your other stuff... pardon whilst I see what else you got here...
I love it.
Anything that combines the already-awesome Gangplank theme with a melodic choir-esqe backing and an even HEAVIER riff than the original has my full and undying support. I salute you, sir. : D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.