May I use this song for an app I am making?
I wrote this song to give the listener a picture of someone on horseback riding through the open desert to their destination. It is supposed to give the feeling of loneliness with a small bit of hope left.
I am thirteen years old and have been writing music for about a year. Please give me reviews and criticism so that I can improve my music writing techniques.
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May I use this song for an app I am making?
Nice, the Midi instruments reminds me of classic video games. Specifically, it's giving me an old-school Wild Arms vibe.
Nothing i can say in the frames of critisism, praise was aptly given by stalagmite already, so I offer a comment. The beat reminded me of a horse galloping, for some reason. Very Southwestern in feel, also fills my desert music void just a little bit. Thank you.
Haha yeah thanks a bunch falkon!!! =)
Check out my other pieces! =)
very western!
you can capture anything! any feel! any mood! i may challenge you one day with something unexpected! i would love to see what you can do if you really go all out!
your current music programme is fine. I used to have reason,
i feel a programme is not something which limits your learning, but rather something to enhance it. you do not need another programme. you need to perfect your current one! truly master it! not implying you cant use it.. becaus...duh... you can... excellently. i am just saying you would do well to keep in good practice of what you know.... Be a master in one thing... not a smatterer in them all.
:D:D:D some philosophy their for ya!
Yeah this is all true. I am going to get reason later so I can write more rock and funk and reggae tunes!
Great tune!
I'd say this is the kind of songs I'd expect to hear on a cartoon or a similar flash of cowboys. Great work man, keep it up!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.