Still great!
Comments? How about YOU write something. I've heard them all, from ignorant to constructive. Come on Newgrounds listeners, give me some inspiration for a change!
Still great!
Add a break
I think this is a cool track. To me it feels ominous and sinister. I really like what you have here. However, I think it's too long winded. You might want to add a section break. I'm assuming that this was written to have a vocal track over it, but I still think it's a little too repetitive. Add a break for some variation and might have a more interesting track. Cool track and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the feedback. Ill try to make stuff with different movements in the future. Most of the stuff is meant for vocals, and too much variation sometimes conflicts with the artist. I think most people already have it in their mind that these are finished products ready for a flash movie or something, but that's not always the case. It's not that I'm not capable of making something more complex, its just not what I have in mind.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.