Oh it's Magnificent..
I love it. Although.. I thought at the beginning, you could have probably added delay on those square leads to make it more dynamic. Makes for great background music to a flash or a video. I might use this in my poem project lol... It's very awesome. The sliding on the lead reminds me of Ape Escape, that one snowy stage... oh it's just becoming to epic for me.... I need your kind of inspiration =/ This is just... oh so.. beautiful. *tears*
The pianos flow along greatly, and the synthy bass is just great. The ambience in the background fits so well. It's quite atomospheric. And the percussion just brings it all together very nicely. It just makes me want to relax and chill... forget aobut my surroundings.. turn off the lights... and just listen in pure darkness and I imagine a wonderful landscape.. a scene where there is a traveller wandering an icy snowy land, just exploring nature at it's finest... which I think I might do later on...
It so wonderful. The mixing is perfect (imo). Sounds very crisp and clear. I love it. You have done... amazingly well. Kudos. Fave'd, five'd, and downloaded to the max.
Thank you for sharing this piece of magic.