I loved that show, it had great music! Also, good job on telling off that looser!
This is the music thats played when its taking you through all the rounds. One of my favs.
I loved that show, it had great music! Also, good job on telling off that looser!
my friend you rock...
you ripped on that guy bad who dissed you and i also think this deserves to be on the portal good work and keep em comin.
Good job!
I'm one of the biggest Rocky fans there are! (look at my profile XD) You work is amazing and i want to know... what audio program do you use?
ignore the reviewer below this, I can tell its not converted alone. Good stuff! Originality gets a lower score because well.. not too original is it?
Keep up the good work man!
I use Finale 2005 for all my stuff. (except spiritoso and adventure music 1 piano) I like that you can tell its not converted. I'm always gettin so much crap for that. heh.
Well for a start, i can tell you didnt actually play this on a piano. The soundfont is too basic, and the difference between the velocity is too exact, and many of the cadences played are impossible to finger on a piano. Ever seen a guy streach 2 octaves?
More importantly, i can tell you didnt even record these, only convert them. Especialy listning to your jarassic park theme, i have the exact same midi lying on my desktop.
Now even though this isnt you work, i understand its hard to convert midi files, and i'm even expecting people to use it, so even though it dosnt deserve to be on the audio portal, this kind of stuff needs to be done.
Of course its not me playing the piano. I never said it was! This is impossible to play. So is most of my other piano stuff I submit. The point wasn't to make it playable, just to make it sound good on a piano. However I do have playable versions that I play in real life.
Next your are completely wrong about me just converting them. What I did was listen to a midi file of the song that I got from
Those midi files are not piano parts, they are the whole orchestra. What I do is listen to the parts, and harmonize them on the piano. I sure as hell don't just convert it.
It is hard work and I say it does deserve to be on the portal.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.