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Paper Mario - Rawk Hawk Rock

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Assembled with FL, drums by EZ-Drummer, Gibson SG and Ibanez Soundgear run through NI Guitar Rig III. Also, a small assortment of soundfonts including a sampled B3.

Most guitars and bases by Daniel Tievsky, everything else by Wes Boynton (me.)

Hope you all enjoy it. Play the game, it rocks.

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what ninjakoopa-33 said it's cool plus Rawk Hawk had a cool song nice to find some one with a nice remix i say it's awesome to it's a 10

Friggin' Awesome!

Paper Mario FTW!
Great job remixing, but could maybe have done without the gong.


"you just got rawked by the hawk!"


Damn...now that's a fresh take on the song =P Love it! Lost a point for a little bit off off-keyness in some areas, but on the whole a great job!

Hyper-Freak92 responds:


I'd love to hear more about this off-keyness, though. If you mean in the solo intro, that's called "dissonance." It's quite common, actually. Two voices playing notes that do not necessarily form a pleasing sound together. In fact, if you play an F and a B together, you'll find it forms a dissonant interval quite diatonic within C major, as well as B and C forming a minor second, also diatonic.

Besides perhaps some terminology issues, however, your enjoyment and comment are both much appreciated! Glad to know hours of work in-studio are appreciated, especially by fellow lovers of Paper Mario.



Ah, Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door. Great game indeed. In fact, I'm playing it right now! :D

I still remember fighting Rawk Hawk in the Glitz Pit. Was a great battle, but not as epic as the next one ;)

Really awesome job here!

Nice way to start off the song. That introduction is a very nice touch!

As for the rest of the song, love it! The guitars sound great, really. You got the notes down, with a really nice sound. Nothing I find wrong here.

The drums work well here. They compliment the guitars rather nicely.

Just when I thought it couldn't be any more awesome, you add in a sweet guitar solo at 1:18. Good job with the ending as well!

Voting Details: Current Score - 5.00
Voted 5 - unchanged
Voter # - 6


~The Koopa Clan~

Hyper-Freak92 responds:

Many thanks, it's a great game. I just hope we did the piece justice.

Again, thanks for your kind words!


Credits & Info

4.95 / 5.00

May 17, 2009
10:48 PM EDT
General Rock
File Info
2.2 MB
2 min 22 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.