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NS - They Never Changed

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Author Comments

Please nobody mention the Repetitiveness of this, it's intended to have vocals, and probally will have some eventually. Atm i'm doing a cover of theBardOfBlasphemy's awesome track arctic combustion, after that i shall get to work on this one.

The ending is kind of abrupt. It's really cos i'm too lazy to go back and fix it, :P. And the drums are a bit loud as well imo, buuut i can't be bothered.

Please give me some constructive criticism. I neeed to improve, and I can't unless i get feedback from you guys.

Also, please don't vote 0 if you haven't listened to it, don't like the genre or if it's a score you don't thinks it's worthy of. You can't control other peoples opinions. Don't vote 0 to lower it as much as you can. Just vote what you think the song deserves, or not at all.

Stay Metal \m/

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I would give it a ten, but the mixing was too quite and just not..."there." It felt a little bit empty. But the composition in of itself is totally brutal. Well, except for the solo. It sounded very A-Tonal. No flow, or, at least, no chord structure. But, your kick drum is quite good. What equipment do you use? PM me if you respond.

Keep it up!

\m/ >_< \m/

netty-swobb responds:

Haha thanks dude, i just logged on to see if anyone else had made a comment and i said you made the comment 1 minute ago, it's like what timing.

I use slayer 2 believe it or not for the guitars and some other shit as well. For the drums i use EzDrummer - The drums from hell, Awesome plugin. Then everything is then mastered in audition.

Yh i agree on the mixing, the drums are a bit to loud i think, but i'm too lazy to fix it.

Thanks for the listen dude!

(I also messaged u this)


not too bad. can't say the riffs were fantastic, but it sounds pretty good. could use a more characteristic melody though. the solo was ok, but i wouldn't mind another passage in the song. something calm, or really fucking heavy. the drums were great anyway, and it's all very well mixed. a good tune all in all. hope it gets some vox sooner or later. keep rocking \m/

netty-swobb responds:

Yep Vox soon. Just after i finished my cover of Arctic Combustion, tis gna be fun!

Thanks man

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

May 20, 2009
3:23 AM EDT
Heavy Metal
File Info
3.7 MB
4 min 2 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.