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its NOT a song, its going to BE IN a song, so jus tell me if it sounds nice n clear.

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Very solidly decent...

I'm not really feeling the chord progression - I think that maybe it's jumping a little too much between what - fifths and major 7ths - not sure man and don't listen to me anyway I really don't know what the hell I'm talking about BUT

Overall it feels a bit happy - The stabs are good but I would suggest adding a constant pad or two to support them a little more. The relentless hats and the thump kick are really good but I would also prefer a slightly faster or slower tempo - what was that like 120 spot on ? - kick it up to around 130 -OR- down to 100-105 and make up for the downtempo will a few really wicked fills...

Sorry man - now I'm ranting - well - that's what I think, but that's just my opinion...and I'm often wrong...


Pandora-Tranquil responds:

good review, the song itself is way better now and has way better synths, but i cant finish right now cuz im about to go to a camp... lol


I just noticed that in Radiate, AdmiralConquistador made a longer review then mine! CURSES! And you ackknoledged him..... I see how it is. Check out my review in PAragonX9's Perfect Dark... try and beat that. BUT, oh well, people have the ability to type a lot about a song and Admiral did that. I tewnd to do it in every review though. HEY, I am an author, what can you expect?

This song was a loop, expected it to be longer, since I didn't look at theSize.... I coulda easily telled if it was a small loop.

The loops was noticable, the melody was mediocre and the rest qualities of the song were just fine. I'd like to see this turn into a full song. It has the right melody, and the right Jive to it. The snares sound like they should go ointo a long song.

So, maybe try a long one? If it doesn't work out, you could always trash it.

Pandora-Tranquil responds:

it sounds way better than it does in this, i might submit when its finished.

idk what u mean by the melody being mediocre..... i mean comparing this melody to the one in wilted dreams (the one u just reviewed) this one is godlike (but basic is good too)

Sounds pretty good

Umm.....i think too much reverb on the drums, and turn the lead synth up a bit. Over all though not bad. You could mess with the clap, sounds to much like a hat or a cymbol. Thats about it. Looking forward to the final result.


only voted 0 cause its not all of it :D

but it sounds pretty clear, althougb its a bit LLOOOUUUUUDDDDDDDDDD :@ you may wanna play it in a higher tone too, a bit too draggy if that makes sense.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jun 4, 2005
3:51 PM EDT
File Info
1.1 MB
29 sec

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