Wow I actually love this
Would you mind if a friend and I wrote lyrics to it and possibly recorded it and put it on youtube?
Wow I actually love this
Would you mind if a friend and I wrote lyrics to it and possibly recorded it and put it on youtube?
Its awsome.
Really Good!
This is exactly from Karoshi 2.0!
i dont know why this is rated low :P
Need improvemnt,But still great!
Seeing that you are 9 years old I am impressed,This does need alot of improvement though.I liked the beat and the guitarish sound at 2:01.
Audio:4/10(This sounded good,But lacked variety,You should add more sounds.)
Audio quality:10/10(GREAT!It is so clear and easy to hear!Nothing to improve on here!)
Style:2/10(I seemed to like,But I also didn't,This is not really my kind of music,But I liked the way you made it.)
You should add more variety in the sounds,I understand making music is hard,And I enjoyed what you created,Try some diffrent music types.Hope to see more!!
It's not my fault! Ask Jesse Venbrux!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.