My review, your song.
Typically I write pretty thorough reviews, but your getting short shifted in that department.
Songs fine, mix is poor, you need to limit and EQ the instruments so that their more definable.
The use of presets here is gratuitist, while the use is above the FL-garbage line, it sounds like you you just layered FL-Sytrus presets from the Sequenced, 303, and Acid lines. Drums are stinky of presets, hits/bass drop sounds are unedited too. Fl-Keys is evident.
Beginning and near the 1:30 mark most of these synths aren't playing in key with each other.
Needs cleaner writing, better mixing, and less use of having the software do the musical work for you. Spend more time smoothing out your song. It may be tedious but the results are infinitely better.
2/5 5/10