i loved it
ermm.... a girl i know asked me if i could make a beat for them to frestyle on... but as i told her hiphop and RnB isn't my strong sides.... so it ended like this.. i like it but not as hip hop xD.
no telling how long it will be up here.. i might give the copyright to the girl if she make some lyricks good enugh lol
update: the start is changed and the ending also changed slightly
i loved it
thanks ^^
see below
first 20 or so seconds mhe
the first 20 seconds sound empty un like the rest of the song and its a good chill song i think the first 20 seconds need so paZAZ to it yo! good song tho! HEY you should cheak out my NEW SINGLE-CASCADE i just put it up tell me what you think!
yeah.. your right.. ill fix that... updated vertion will be up in a few minuts.. if theres any more mistakes ill have no chanse of fixing them.. damn demo... lol ive had FL runing all day alone so i could check back in here for fixes. i gota get that full one sone.. well anyways.. thanks for your review.. and shure. ill take a look on your single-cascade =P
Update: start made more "fitting"
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.