good job..
the tempo change suprizzed me but it was a good suprise.. keep up the good work
Yep, a remix of Alphazone's Forever. I want to hear your feedback! PLEASE REVIEW!
good job..
the tempo change suprizzed me but it was a good suprise.. keep up the good work
Pretty cool
Sounds pretty awesome :3
Only thing I'd say is try and get rid of that clipping at the start (maybe take out the lows in your lead?)
Other than that, the melodies are pretty sweet, and instead of the sudden increase in tempo I'd slow increase it to give it more of a suspenseful buildup then a stop, drop and BAM.
Try getting a heavier kick and punchier/heavier bass to make this song really kick ass.
Sweet bridge by the way, the quiet supersaw sound in the back at 52 seconds was pretty cool. I'd just work on transitions :3
Overall, pretty sweet song man, keep it up!
Thank you! Means a lot coming from you since I really enjoy your music.
this is a cool song i like it good work
Thats pretty cool! Trasitions are nice overall exept the tempo change was kinda unexpected but I rated 5/5!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.