This was an ok music clip
This was ok but not the best I've heard. It kin of just repeats the same beats over and over.
Just a weird song I made lol.
This was an ok music clip
This was ok but not the best I've heard. It kin of just repeats the same beats over and over.
i like it but there's just one thing x.x
this song gets off beat at some points, which i guess isn't bad when you're just listening to the song, but i dance to the music i download too, and it's hard to dance to a song that gets off beat, that's really the only thing other than that a really good song ^^
Very Madness like
5/5 10/10
THIS SONG IS GREAT! Heavy, distorted, and has some flippin' sweet drums. Most likely the best song i have ever heard on NG. Keep it up!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.