Sounded pretty bad. Not original cause it's One by Metallica (In case no one realized) it's a shitty program also sooo yea.
Hey NG! I was at the beach with my girlfreinds and it was raining. I was really down because of the rain and wrote this. It doesn't really follow the traditional music style because as the rain cleared up i felt differently and wrote different tunes. Hope you like cause I worked really hard on this and I would hate to get hate because I'm such a good musician and I can write music without actually playing an instrument. (BTW reading music is for nubz)
Sounded pretty bad. Not original cause it's One by Metallica (In case no one realized) it's a shitty program also sooo yea.
im sorry man
i give the beat a 9 because ints a interesting beat. but this is no way a hip-hop beat. when i hear this beat i feel like mario walkin thru a castle in 1598.
im sure youll get better scores in a diferent genre! I dont mean to sound like a dick but im just bein honest.. keep doin you.
Do only kajes and Halofreak get it? It's obviously not a hip hop beat. Take a look at the other comments.
beast song
best song ive heard in ages, way better than one by metallica
Yeah they suck
Does 'One' by Metallica ring any bells?
No shit
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.