Needs more work
Not to bad
please i am working pretty hard on this one please let me know what you think i LOVE FEEDBACK I EAT IT FOR BREAKFAST NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!! :)
Needs more work
Not to bad
I love seeing people try and use padding for main melodies, its very pretty.
You have some good melodic ideas but the hi-hat has got to go, it detracts from the main melody. Also you need to throw in more atmosphere, you have one synth playing, and like 2 samples with one bass synth sounding thing. Make more go on, and don't be afraid to raise things up an octave!
I like the melody though, very sad sounding. Keep working on it!
appreciate the insight got rid of those damn hihats once somone said. thanks again
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.