Great job
The beat was awesome and the sound effects were great.I actually started playing my guitar over it it sounded pretty cool.Great tune man.
Imagine the feeling that a loved one dies but that you cant accept that they are dead...
Great job
The beat was awesome and the sound effects were great.I actually started playing my guitar over it it sounded pretty cool.Great tune man.
that would sound awesome with this song.
aguitar...thast awesome man.
thanks for the review!
I must comment on the drums also. The ysound like their kind of distorted, but that probly what it is meant ot sound like, cause I am sure when "your loved one dies" everything isn't perfect. Good melody, fit the mood, and I like the pace it gave to everyone. Very good.
yeah, the calmness in the song was to denote the feelings of depression that you have, and the distorted drums give the feeling of anger and hatred, like 'why did this happen?'
thanks for the review dude.
very moving
beutiful i liked the drums a lot i thought they fitted very will with the mood
thanks for the review dude.
Great song
Hey man, the way you explained this song "Imagine the feeling that a loved one dies but that you cant accept that they are dead..." thats really how it makes me feel. Deep shit man. Good Job
yeah man i made this cuase my great grandma died about 2-3 months ango.
i wasnt affected, but everyone around me was.
so it kinda moved me, and i never thought about making a song about how i felt for everyone around me until now...
thanks for the review man. i really apreciate it.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.