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Trod In Tommorow

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Author Comments

Alright. Techno song. Comment and rate.

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why's every one giving so low?

This is good stuff. I'm not saying its the best stuff in the world, but fours? This deserves at least a six. And 5 is saying it's bad. Any ways, good job.

Umm, ok

The beats are just a tic off, if the beats at the beginning were like .1 milliseconds more togethor it would have sounded great.

Not enough insterments but it sounds good

DJ-DairyKing responds:

Thanks Agentdark. I have heard from my friend he has told me this as wel..

Yes, it is indeed techno

Originality: No one has ever put a gunshot into their music.

Diversity: It's the same thing over and over.

Clarity: There's two instruments. A little too simple perhaps?

Effort: *Points at last two*

DJ-DairyKing responds:

Thanks for the comments SiXgh. I will plan on using more instruments and more melodies in my next project.

A few things to improve the beat..

Hey! I was just listening to this trance.. and I think if you slowed down the main beat so it sounded less "boom boom" the song would have more depth and clarity.. and quite possibly sound even better than it already is! Keep trying, decent effort.

DJ-DairyKing responds:

Thank you Discontinued. I will make a remix of this soon because of your comment.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Aug 21, 2005
12:32 PM EDT
File Info
1,006.9 KB
43 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.