Good, but needs alot of work. 7/10 on this part
You have a very good base, but it does need some touch up and some other kinds of tlc.
I know making a remix of a midi, and keeping the midi beat is frowned upon in alot of cases, but the midi beat made this song what it ended up as, one of the best Sonic Team ever did. LIsten to the midi, you'll see how the main instruments change with each transition, though the background notes stay in the same pattern, but end the loop at different times in each of the 4 parts of the song. Keep those elements in line. I also suggest putting a higher pitched synth into the third part, and use a synth thats about 1/2-3/4 as high a note as the main synth in the 3rd part, and if it's a horn, distort it, like they did in the midi. I also suggest turning the bass line down, it's supposed to be the 3rd loudest instrument in the song, but it's the first loudest in this version for half the song. I also suggest not prolonging the beats too long in the intro, unless you flare them down a pitch or two for the first two, then up two or three as the third and fouth, like in the midi. If the instrument holds on one pitch, the intro ends up sounding rather anti climactic.
Remember, in some cases follwing the general pattern of the midi is a good thing. Also try coming up with your own additions to songs, and make sure to check and recheck transitions and the overall sound of all the instruments and synths. You don't want to use ones that don't compliment each other.
You don't have to follow my ideas, these are just my suggestions, coming up with your own solutions may turn out better.
I know it's a late review, but this is a song worth fixing.