this so cool
both of them are better nice job
everyone loves this song! comments please
this so cool
both of them are better nice job
Dude anyone can do this. it not any different except the speed couldve done much better
i think its better regular
This was illegal but this is simple all it is well simple you copied this then just made it faster.I'm surprised this is still on the list of songs,not to be harsh about this but come on you can do better than this.
The idea is pretty interesting, I like it....
Heh, now I can understand what he sings actually! Good job there. He also sounds very well, just like he should've. You didn't do much so 8/10... but still - it's worth those 1:39. I can't really say much, but to thank you for actuall giving people thy song... now to slow it down and get the original. Good job.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.