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Luminous_Odyssey [Box-Kil

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00:00 / 02:27

Author Comments

This is a obviously a dance song I've been working on. I hope you enjoy listening to it because I enjoyed making it! It is kinda wierd, it doesn't have a stupid nexus lead synth, more of a spacey wierd synth for a main lead. I like to be original, and I'm sometimes original when I try to create something generic. Although the bass and drums are very dance esque, i think the overall atmosphere is different :D

All I used was some dr202 drum samples, albino v3 and 3xosc :D A while ago I uninstalled Fl and started using reason. I sort of missed FL studio so I reinstalled and made this song!

also I learnt how to make my own sweeps and Reverb Kick FX in this song. Well I kinda knew how to make them already except I always just used to use samples :D But I made my own, and could shape the sound to how I wanted It.

I'm not to keen on the quality of the mastering, I think the levels are ok but I'm not all sure on everything, Tell me what you think it sounds like. Good or bad?

Thanks for listening/reviewing/ratin g

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Wow, BK, I wish I could offer you. . .

more sound advice. I really don't know ANYthing about the equipment you use or anything BUT I CAN tell you that I KNOW for a fact that you Sir, have mad talent. Your songs have the ability to wake me up, put a smile on my face and make my foot bounce to the beat. No matter how sleepy I might THINK I am, when I listen to music of yours, I instantly brighten up. I mean that whole heartedly.
Keep on keepin' on and don't EVER go against what your musical gut tells you, Dude.
Until next time, you smilin' sillyhead. . .
...............Take care, be good and stay enthusiastic about what you're learning.period
This song simply emits positive feeling vibes, Man.
I needed that tonight.

Very good...

Dammit i hate it when steph reviews before me. It always leaves me feeling so small and insignificant >[

Anywayz, not much i can say after all taht steph said, as i pretty much agree with him on most accounts. I did fidn the melodies slightly catchy however, but the wierd intervals in the middle section made me lose that feeling. I always think that for a dance song, melodies have to be upbeat and catchy, so no wierd intervals and large skips.

As for the atmosphere, i didnt particularly think it fitted under dance, except for maybe the drums, although those could have used a bit more "oomph" on the kicks if u know what i mean.

As for climaxes and anti climaxes, they sort of made sense in some way, but most climaxes didnt result in much of a peak, and anti climaxes were a bit too sudden.

Overall, its quite a good song and with more editing it could shape up to be a brilliant piece of work...

=Review Request Club=

Box-Killa responds:

now that i look back, even though it is just a week ago, i think this song sucks bad. :D lol

Not bad...

You've really improved from your old submissions, and this song shows it. Good job man, I enjoyed it. It's not exactly dance-able, since it needs a bit more of a 'boom', but that doesn't make it a bad song. Overall, good job! Here comes a long review!

The melodies are OK, could use a little work since they aren't that particularly catchy, but still, they're pretty upbeat and have a happy feel to them. It's good that your melodies are unique and don't sound generic ^^. I liked the part at 0:41 where you got to that break, since it stopped the song from being that repetitive, although the parts at 1:00 and 1:56 were too anti-climatic. What I mean is, you sort of gave it a bit too much power beforehand with that epic sweep and kick roll, and then it sort of sounded as if it's letting you down since you expected an epic climax, yet you just heard the song move down into a calmer rhythm. Even before the ending at 2:23, the song had a lot of power and then sort of ended like that. So yeah, melodies overall are alright, but you should fix a few anti-climatic parts since they really take away from the 'dance-able' feel of this track...

Yeah, the main synths you used are pretty original and non-generic, but unfortunately, that bass is extremely generic. Still, it's hard to make a bass which *isn't* generic so I won't reduce any points for that. What this song lacks is a pad. The song at times felt a little empty, and I think that if you add a pad, or at least a reverbed arp (but I think a pad will work out better) your song would have a lot more depth and fullness to it, and makes it more enjoyable to listen to. Pads are your friend xD. Maybe you can also try to vary the main synth a little more, since throughout the whole song, the synth which carried the melody was the same, or at least similar to the same synth that was always playing. You could try and add some bell or something. Anyway, other than those defects, your instruments are pretty good. I really liked your use of kick effects and sweep effects, so good job with that :D. Not a bad job with the instruments/effects. Good use of filters too.

The transitions were alright, but nothing really too special. The anti-climatic ones which I mentioned above were a bit of a bummer, but overall the transitions were smooth and well done, so good job with that. New instruments were introduced well, and you had a great amount of buildups, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Maybe your buildups could be a bit more gradual, since sometimes the buildup reaches its peak too early, such as when you're fading in the synth at the beginning, it could do with a longer fade in IMO. Just a tiny suggestion though ^^. Yeah, transitions and buildups were fine ^^.

The song is well structured, and the only issue I have with the structure is that the climax at the end wasn't powerful enough, which led to a bad structure. At the end you expected a powerful finale with the way you structured the song, yet it was quite a weak part at the end. The variety could use a little work, since it was just the same melody repeated a few times with a few subtle changes. Try adding a piano solo, yeah it's a generic way to go, but it surely can fix your repetitiveness problem. The intro was awesome, but the ending was a bit weak, maybe you should end it on a more powerful note so that the huge buildup you put in before is satisfied...

The drums weren't too bad, but that kick could be much more powerful. The snare was also barely heard and the hat line was pretty generic and simple. Overall the drums were pretty basic and bland at times, but still, they fit with the song pretty well, even though they aren't that varied. I liked your use of the snare roll :).

Whoo, harsh review. Sorry =/. Anyway, your song does have a few defects, but overall it's a decent dance song. Still, not one of your best, IMO 'Dark Awakening' would be your best. Whatever, keep up the good work, I hope you turn out to be a great dance artist! :D.
5/5 - because of the horrible 0-bombing this song has...

-Review Request Club-

Box-Killa responds:

lol thanks for the massive review!

Review Request Club

Like the opening two synths, especially the light evolution of the first. The drum introduction is good, though I think builds up a little too much as the drum beat itself is quiet light and quiet. But how the synth sounds and drums are manipulated in sounds was really well done and gave a little more variety to the piece. Speaking of variety...by 1:16 the first synth gets repetitive, and very much so. If you had it change melody or even have the synth itself change, the second half of this track would have been a lot more interesting.

The cutout of most of the sounds at 1:32 was a nice touch, but when it started building back in there was a really odd sound...kind of like whooshes of air, sounded like maybe it was a reverse drum sound (Tech n00b, I have no idea), but it really didn't match the beat all that well when it came in, which threw the beat a little because the drum wasn't there already confirming it. The sound itself was nice and pretty unique, but the rhythm of it was a little questionable. Same thing with the end where some kind of bass drum is there...the regularity and the speed of it made it feel a touch machine-gun-like. I think if you'd modulated it a bit more as you had done with some of the previous sounds, it would have sounded a lot better. THat besides, this does loop well and with a few edits could probably work quite well as a dance track.

-Review Request Club

Not bad

I think that this piece is limited in playability, due to the fact that you've got a short span for the track and the short, quick beat being recycled very quickly, allowing for the listener to perhaps become entranced by it - this is not a good thing, as it does distract from what is going on in the rest of the piece, with the beat and the counter melody, which have both been developed well.

In short, more tune, more beat and more variation from the main melody would certainly help this track.

[Review Request Club]

Credits & Info

4.18 / 5.00

Mar 14, 2010
1:31 AM EST
File Info
5.6 MB
2 min 27 sec

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