good but
The music needs a little work. Did the computer synthisizer just say, "Go, Go, Powder Rangers!"
good but
The music needs a little work. Did the computer synthisizer just say, "Go, Go, Powder Rangers!"
like the other guy brings back not so good memorie
brings back not so good memories
old school
yo thats awesome this is bringin bak memories... not good ones tho but its still awesome
This brings back memories
I remember the original show myself. It also had a great opening song, especially with all the riffs and stuff. It sounded awesome. This sounds pretty good too. Though a few seconds after the song ends I hear a "Go"
Okay well 7 for your originality because even though it's a remix, I thought it cool and sice no one on here has done that I gave you a ten because no one make stuff like this. 7 on clarity because it's very quiet and a 9 for effort because this song seems very simple ^^ nice job dude you earned a download!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.