Ah, the memories
Oh, how this makes me long for my youth. Back when everything was simple.
3 minutes 53 seconds.
Ah, the memories
Oh, how this makes me long for my youth. Back when everything was simple.
This song
I had this song on my mp3 player a really long time ago back when I was a rabid Kirby fan and it was always one of my favourites. I'd taken it off the player since then because I'd grown tired of it, as we all grow tired of songs eventually.
But now I come back to it months later and remember how happy this song used to make me when I was feeling down. It may sound MIDI-sih- no, more 8-bitish with a twist, but that only makes it better; and it's almost inspiring. Out of all the DDD remixes on NG, this is my favourite, and probably the best one out there. 8D It just has that "epic" sound to it that all the others don't have.
In short, great work! 5/5 10/10 Love it and downloaded again! (haha, rhyming xD)
@ Reone662
Thats what makes it good. Hell sometimes MIDI sounds better... I gotta hand it to TheGimpsta, I love it!
oh my god
10/10 for u man cus thats cool
i have always loved the dedede song and now...i love it even more xD
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.