I really love this one
Forgive me, it's late, I'm tired. I will post some comments that are worth your time tomorrow.
In the mean time, enjoy my latest, most intricate dubstep track. I did my best to accomplish a professional sound. Alas, I fell short in the mastering some, and the file size was too large for NG. =`(
If you have any suggestions for me, feel free to lemme know what's up. I'm rather proud of this one because I discovered how to make a formant bass, found out how Skream made his bass, and created the first official segment of "metalstep" (You'll see what I mean when you hear it.) And, it's my submission for the semifinals of the Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch (I'm up against Gravey...he's gotten #1 songs on the All-Time Best Scoring in the weeks past, and his "Orchestral Theme 2" is currently one of the "Best of the Week"...great NG artist, I wish I had his mastering skills...oh well, wish me luck! =P).
Anyway, hope you enjoy this one!
I really love this one
the drop sounds like a malfunctioning car
Needs a bit more bass
Best Dubstep song
Great dubstep! (Note: The song is made in 2010)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.