...was a good description, at least for the intro. The baseline went a little too low, so it sounded bad in one note in the beginning. It felt like this track missed something.... baseline got a little repetitive.... perhaps other choise of sound overall would make the stuff better. It simply dont feel like the song gets there, to be honest. Intro sound was even annoying....
One thing that was good was the "stringsounding" chord in the beginning, then the baseline came in, and things feels good (except the lowest note). Then the string+beat dropps, and it just dont fit, u know.... sorry.
There were a couple of good stuff, but u gotta work more on thisone, mate.
And oh, perhaps what you should primarily work on is the soundlevel, it overrides alot. Could be cause u have too much reverb on the instruments... i dunno.
Myself i too use reason3, if u wanna flame me back, go check out my latest DnB song "The Drifter" :)