Countering engaged
based on my personal and subjective taste:
PROS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Massive sound and goooooooood mixing. You can totally feel the energy pumping, even on shitty headphones. The sound is coherent and delivers big time !!!
1. Nice filtering. Makes sense and put to good use for amplification and direction of the emotional experience.
3. Totally appropriate choice of synths & sounds. No shitty twiddling/pinching/shredding/annoingl y sawing my head off bullcrap. Just the right amount of energy.
4. Good intro building + single clap in room + reverse cymbal thingie. Really liked that part XD. Nice ending too...
CONS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.(and the ONLY one). It's the arrangement that bugs me. IMHO I feel your eagerness for making the breakdowns unpredictable (an admirable trait-don't get me wrong) and unexpected went a bit too far. There were cuts in the flow of things that were unnecessary. These cut in the flow too much too soon (a longer version maybe?). I think a slightly adjusted balance between the regular and the opposite would do wonders.
All in all I'm trowing a 5/5 9/10 your way, and there's no way you can counter that fact :P