just. simply. Beautifull my friend. That is one of the most light feeling music ever. I makes me feel like I'm just flying quietly trough an asian landscape. just, awesome!
keep it up.
Lyrical and mysterious track with bits of ethnical motives.
just. simply. Beautifull my friend. That is one of the most light feeling music ever. I makes me feel like I'm just flying quietly trough an asian landscape. just, awesome!
keep it up.
this sir, is perhaps the most beautiful piece on NG. i've listened to it atleast 10 times in a row now.
Reminds me Pandora forest in the the Avatar film. Or Macalania Woods in FFX, during morning rise.
The instruments are extremely well balanced and varied and it's cool how the melody extends into eccentric different instrumental parts.. I like compositionally how you created lots of 'space' between the individual parts, and kept the piece as a whole very interesting. This piece could have been ruined by just throwing in "filler" notes but there's an adorable light, airy quality to it like a dance of fireflies.
The flute and pan-pipe lines where indeed very lyrical, as well as the harp and shamisen parts. Good sense of dynamics.
I think the swelling heavy vibrato strings were a great instrument for the chords/padding.
The piano and the synthetic choirs + other elements do subtle wonders. And I LOVE the chord progression that hits at 1:44.
I really enjoy the ethnic percussion bits and the rolls that you incorporated into indivual parts.
And you even spiced the track up with some tasteful guitar licks with a very complimentary harp.
....and it even all loops perfectly.
sir, this is a fantastic piece which I have absolutely no criticism for. I really appreciate you posting this on NG, and this is the type of music that I hope I can create one day.
instant fav
this is really harmony
I love the harp and the chor
which program did u use? =)
10 stars
5 points
and Download
greetings Sema
Thanks. I produce music with Cubase 4.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.