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Xantham Gum

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Author Comments

This is one of two songs I considered to be played on a local public radio station. I went with Yuppie Wasteland. My Focus in this song was to generate a hybrid sequenced/generative bass. I rather liked making the "Air Stabs" as I might call them. I used my SH-201 for the chords. I think the twinkles came from the Korg R3. The grunt is a friend of mine randomly caught on the mic. If you hear a faint pop in the background, that would be a sample of George W. Bush from the 2004 state of the union address. That one's clear for public use. ;)

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Credits & Info

Waiting for 5 more votes

Jun 18, 2010
10:11 PM EDT
File Info
7.6 MB
4 min 9 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.