Sorry about the late review! Kept getting caught up in other stuff!
The synth is cool, the melodies are dark and twisted and it generally has that dark atmosphere which im assuming you were aiming for! The drums are cool, the volume levels are ok, so all in all not a bad track!
Things you need to work on or perhaps do in future:
- Less repetition, vary the drums up a bit, change the chord progression perhaps
- The phaser gets tedious after a while! Perhaps remove it at some point and add in a new drum beat to accompany the phaser-less section which will sound like a new section?
- Add some effects (maybe a monster growl or something) and some cymbals etc.
- New instruments, perhaps a dark twisted piano or bell instrument playing some eerie high notes
Can't think of much else atm, keep working at it! :)
Lemme know if you want anymore reviews! :D