I like the melody a lot.
Great job on this one. I know you only spent 6 hours on it, but the drums need to be equalized and louder. I WANNA HEAR THIS BUMPIN!!!
Just been working on this since around 12pm. its 17:54 now so around 6 hours non stop. I seem to have a mental block at 1:50 when composing, I hope to grow out of this with experience. Vote/Comment/Review, I will respond to every review :D
Thanks so much
I like the melody a lot.
Great job on this one. I know you only spent 6 hours on it, but the drums need to be equalized and louder. I WANNA HEAR THIS BUMPIN!!!
Yeahh, lots of people have commented on the drums, i'll make sure to make em louder next time :)
Thanks for the awesome review man :)
Just starting my ass!
This does NOT count as just starting. It's way too good. :)
haha you're too kind :) thanks alot man
this is nice!
cool effects, and melody is pretty catchy!
Thanks alot man! :)
'Tis good.
As other have said, you need to watch the volumes and mix to keep it from drowning stuff out. It probably needs a break down, where you REALLY simplify it to the bare essentials, then comes back more developed than before. Music is a journey, and sometimes you need a quick breather before you get back on your way.
Turning out good, Liking what I'm hearing. I understand Writers block, which is kinda like Musicians block, only with words... Ahem, Anyway, You'll get past it. Sometimes, you just need to hammer around for a while to find where the inspiration went. 5/5, in case you wanted to know. :)
thanks so much man :) I'm going to learn how to master stuff real soon I have a really awesome teacher whos going to turn me pro :) Thanks so much for your review!
Very nice
I have listened to your songs and i must say, you got really good in a very short time. You also were pretty good in the beginning, you got talent!
I will follow your music from now on.
About the song:
At some points it can sound very complicated, which i like. But the whole song tends to be simple. It also has a nice steady beat. Good work!
I hope you get past that block. I know how it is, i have it all the time :)
Maybe you wanna check out my music, i know most of it isnt really good (except for my last one) but maybe you can get out of that block that way. I always try to get inspiration from other producers.
Anyway, good luck!
- Damiën Fisher (Dragonarios)
Thanks very much! :) I Tried to make it sound complicated by doing simple stuffs, if that made sense :P Ima check your stuff out now. Ty again :)
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.