To be honest, I didn't like this very much. You kept using the same sounds over and over again, some not even used in a different way -- I felt like you could've done much more with this. It didn't need to be this long if you were going to keep doing the same thing over and over again -- which you did -- so that is definitely a bad point that you should take into consideration.
Also, some of the chords you used were not right. You don't want to create an unpleasant tune for the listener, now do you? It sounds like you're not very known with musical theory -- I may be able to help you with that when you're making your next song.
This wasn't bad, but I got bored listening to it after a while because of its repetitiveness -- you should've used different sounds and different keys. But it's okay; it's your first Trance song after all.
Keep it up!
~DJ Galax