I love this song! Been listening to it and "my friend" for years. I wish i could find out what happened to these guys. Anyone have any information to their whereabouts?
http://www.dreamcoil.com for more.
I love this song! Been listening to it and "my friend" for years. I wish i could find out what happened to these guys. Anyone have any information to their whereabouts?
Nice. I think the spot where everything cuts out to just vocals could've been orchestrated slightly better. Amazing song though. How was recording in a professional studio? You might check out spasmguitar's stuff if you're in the mood. You might like it. Good job.
A great rock song, you're on your way!
Great song, I love the energy that you put into this one. The only suggestion I have for you is to increase the volume on the vocals. Whoever the singer is has a nice calm voice with a nice tone for the style of music. May I suggest, as a professional vocalist, some vocal lessons to increase the vibrato and remove a little of the naisal sound. This would also increase the power of the voice and the ability to sing for longer periods of time. Great guitar and drum work as well, nice transitions from verse to chorus. Keep up the great work and keep on writing guys.
...there's nothing like a good rock song... except a great one. aw, man, screw it. screw it all. you hit home with this one. 'nuff said... damn straight.
Damn, this has to be one the best songs on NG. It sounds absolutley perfect. I hope you guys have a record contract...you deserve one!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.