I was kind of skeptical seeing as it was one of the songs at the top of the rating list. You know, the ones with three, five-star reviews made by the author. Lol
Immediately when I started listening I was taken to the world of underground raves and word-of-mouth gatherings. I imagined myself in an actual underground subway venue that had been abandoned except for the night that everyone was there to bask in the unheard of artists. I think that's what people are mistaking for sad. It's a chill, yet edgy feel relating to those secret meets.
Now the song itself is fairly minimal, which I very much like. (Downloaded by the way.) It plays to its strengths which is the emotion felt. The bass kick is deep and clean, which some people have an issue achieving. The synths are almost a staccato and kept me moving. Honestly, I lost myself in it.
As said previously though, the build up could use a smidge of work, not a lot, just some fine tuning. The chords were nice and I definitely can agree with some white noise/sweep fills/transitions.
8/10 because nothing is perfect and some tweaks can be made. I strongly urge you to try and recreate those synths you lost if possible. I'd love to hear it become even better than it is.
P.S. I only rate songs I REALLY like. I'm definitely going to take a look at your other work.