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Heaven's Strike

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Author Comments

I want to make a line of Heaven v.s Hell Tracks for a possible future flash...v+r

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not bad, not great either

I would stay as far away as possible from the default kicks/hihats/snare/and claps. although the last three aren't that bad, make sure you use some others in the track for variety. the kick, unless you really want it for some kind of effect or mood, should never be used.theres much more realistic sounding percussion in Realdrumkits, HipHop, and other such folders.

I like the Drumroll, although its kind of too much contrast with the main instrument. I do like the varying sound level, but again, the kick is just horrible, so its more annoying than good.

now don't be discouraged by this review, I'm being fairly critical, but you're probably better than me, and have certainly improved since this.

I'm listening and possibly reviewing from bottom to top (i'll review all eventually), and I'm looking forward to the remix/remake of this.


Koetus jälleen!

Se has ei kirjavuus , ja on enemmän ammatti- kuin reaalinen indistrial musiikki!

Chaoz-of-Yakuza responds:

"It has no variety , and is more technical like actual indistrial music"
I take reviews nicely but maybe your right maybe someone can explain this later

Credits & Info

Waiting for 3 more votes

Jan 5, 2006
6:48 PM EST
File Info
1.4 MB
1 min 28 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.