hmm... TehSlappyHappy
Qsik - Recording quality was a lot less defined and slightly fuzzy but his flow and lyrics worked well and all concluded toghether to make a pretty fast paced lyrical verse. His lyrics were a lot more memorable if a bit weird which is quite good. a few hiccups thorughout due to a bit to many lyrics and hiccips in flow. overall very good.
TehSlappyHappy - Lyrics VERY generic and lesscreative it does sound like freestyle. as well as boring speed which all tohgether makes it slightly less interesting to listen to than Qsik. However where Qsik is better lyric'ly. And Qsik's flow and voice as well as recording quaity is less enjoyable and much worse.
Rather a large controversy in my mind but.. TehSlappyHappy very generic but overall flow beats Qsik sloppy flow and delivery!
(good battle)