Absolutely amazing, the song has clear beats, not thrown all around and has lovely transfers? is that what you call it, so it doesn't just change, the beat slowly drops in. I would love to contact you on this but i am new and don't know how to.
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Available in lossless quality on Bandcamp.come where you can name your own price starting at 0.20$US
http://simoncameron.bandc amp.com/track/the-beauty-
of-the-world (remove any spaces)
Absolutely amazing, the song has clear beats, not thrown all around and has lovely transfers? is that what you call it, so it doesn't just change, the beat slowly drops in. I would love to contact you on this but i am new and don't know how to.
This is a great song. You should be very proud of yourself. It truly sounds like something that could be an epic love ballad (and maybe from the description, it is?).
As others have said, your use of the piano is quite nice and the layers of the song mesh very well together. Keep up the excellent work!
I told you before and I'll tell you again.
This is absolutely stunning. That piano is so powerful. It really sets the song and gives it a powerful feeling. And it fits so well even when all the other elements are added. I'm not sure about how well the shift in notes fits in the song when its changes and I feel like it could be mastered a bit better, but besides that, this song is very well done. (: its a very powerful song and I really love how far you have come. Great job man!
the pads are the strongest part of this song, im really liking the smoothness of them and how calm they are.
the piano is pretty much my favorite part of this song, it really makes the overall feeling really stand out.
great job dude, im DLing this and fav'n it :)
Your best work yet.
Ambient, dancable, elegent, and surprisingly even-hearted. You poured your soul out for this one my friend, and believe me, it shows. It's nice to see an artist express his emotions through his craft.
C. P. Modrak.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.