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Wo Bist Du (Remix)

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00:00 / 05:33

Author Comments

I was listening to my iTunes on shuffle last night and Wo Bist Du came on and I had the urge to remix it, so I did! And this is the outcome, haha. I'd moreso consider it glitch hop than dubstep, but no glitch hope Genre on Newgrounds haha.

Edit: The year is 2015. I've come back to listen to this song. Holy shit. Stop. Bad. Mastering. Fuck. Stop.

I apologize.

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Beautiful! I never really gave much thought to this song out of their discography, but you made me realise how nice it can be.

Although yeah my only complaint is the distortion. I believe you said you were going to remaster this? Do let me know if there's an improved version :) Cheers.

CowardlyLion responds:

Thank you very much! It's one of my favorite songs by them! I've actually already made my new version, I'd hope it sounds a lot better haha.

Mastering work needed here.

Too much going on. Too much volume. I agree with below that it could have been great.

CowardlyLion responds:

Recently I've actually decided to re-do this and make it higher quality, I do like the overall tune of it. Hopefully it'll be done soon.

Could have been cool

I like the idea - but you had troubles with the distortion, didn't you? Improve the mixing and you're fine. Keep it up.

CowardlyLion responds:

Aye, I made this ages ago so I wasn't doing to well with the overall mastering and equalization process. Hopefully I've made some improvements since!

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Mar 27, 2011
2:57 PM EDT
File Info
12.7 MB
5 min 33 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.